![]() Our logo is such a beautiful thing! Do you know what this means? Any guesses? It means no more excuses; no more finding ways to keep putting this wonderful idea off. From here on out we'll be bringing you weekly reviews on featuring a unique tea and one of our favourite (or most recent) reads. We're really proud of this logo. I must say, It's pretty symbolic of who Astra and I are as people. It has the cutesy element to it that I enjoy, along with the pastels that I adore on teacups, but it also possesses the dynamic and gravity defying quality that Astra finds artistically pleasing. It suits us both quite nicely. I came up with the initial design, and Astra took my sketch and made it in to something magical. Once she was done lining it I took over for the colours. We love this design so much we've actually made a Redbubble account were you can purchase our logo ( with and without text ) on various objects, such as t-shirts, stickers, tablet cases and -- our personal favourite -- on pillows! If you wish to support our blog you can go to our Redbubble page and purchase a cute item for yourself on your home! Any funds generated from our Redbubble page will go towards tea and books for the blog! I'm so excited to finally get this project off the ground, and I hope that you'll tune in to our blog on Friday evenings to read along with us, and don't forget to have your favourite cup of tea ready and in hand!
![]() < I've been dreaming of starting this blog for the past three years now. I wasn't sure what platform to pursue, or what -- if any -- social media I should tap in to. I mulled it over, and one day after sipping on some particularly lovely Citrus Lavender Sage tea ( RIP, Teavana ), it dawned on me! Yes, of course! It made perfect sense! How could I not have seen it before. I knew what I could do to make this blog stand out. I knew what direction it needed to take! All the pieces were falling in to place. I realized that I had all the tools I needed at my disposal. So I slunk out of the bathroom, shyly swaying my hips as I peered around the corner at my roommate who was bent over her sewing machine working on a project for a friend. It took a few moments for me to rally my courage and bolster my confidence, which when you are a very unsure person like me can be difficult to do. "Sooo," I squeaked. "I was thinking," I paused for a brief moment, fidgeting under my roomate's gaze as she peered up at me. Her expression was receptive and open, which helped me to muddle through my proposal "I don't know if this is stupid or not. It probably is. But if it is will you please tell me ... ?" Something you need to understand about me is that I have what I think are really brilliant ideas, but because I often doubt the integrity of those ideas I don't often share them with a soundboard. Usually I never let those creative strokes of genius see the light of day, forgetting with time that these epiphanies ever happened. This time was different, though. I just couldn't let this one go. "What about this -- and tell me if it's stupid!" I repeated myself. "But what about ... yunno, that tea blog I wanted to do? What about like ... my tea reviews, of course. But also pairing it with like ... a book ... and --- " I didn't need to continue. I could see the grin slowly blossoming on my roommate's lips. I could see the words forming before she ever spoke them. "That's not stupid at all." My roommate had recently started writing reviews on GoodReads for her Literary Blog, so it would be a fun topic for Astra to expand on for the purpose of Tea Readings. Books have always had such an important place in my roomate's life --and perhaps I would go as far as to state that writing, planning, designing and illustrating books may just be Astra's life purpose. I believe books to be her greatest romance, while I myself worked at a tea store for almost two years before it closed. In that time, tea became my life. The two of us always enjoyed our collaborations -- and this blog gave us the opportunity for the ultimate joining of skills and passions. Together we would bring our love of books and tea and mash them in to one to create something beautiful and personal to us. The intent of this blog is not necessarily to get popular or reach internet stardom. Simply it is meant to serve as a catalogue and document our experiences. We want to share them with the world and with like-minded people. Now, I am not a prolific writer. Anyone who is an editor or a hobbyist writer has probably noticed how many times I have switched tenses. If I am to be completely honest, writing has never been my strongest skill. All the same I hope you are able to follow along and enjoy what we have to offer on our humble blog! Until next time, I will leave you with this thought: in a world that has became so busy and full with worry, sometimes kicking your feet up with a good book and a cup of tea is all you need to unwind. PS, if you wish to follow Astra's literary blog, you can find it here! You can also check out Astra's personal website here! Or if you want to follow us on instagram you can find us @tea_readings! Or you can click here! |
AuthorsEmber and Astra joined forces to blog about their two deepest passions: books and tea! Here you will find information on various teas, and--alongside each tea--a book that will be perfectly paired and analyzed. The full book reviews (containing spoilers) as well as the source for the tea will be linked to in each blog post! Archives |